Comparing Your WordPress Product to the Competition

The WordPress marketplace is crowded. There are multiple competitors in just about every product niche.

Your product is not the only game in town. Thus, it becomes harder to stand out. It’s even more difficult on a shoestring marketing budget.

Potential customers may not know what makes your product a great choice. A feature list isn’t always enough for them to make a decision.

In that case, you’ll need to show them. Content focused on how your product stacks up can help.

Let’s take a look at the ingredients of a great WordPress product comparison.

Show Your Best Side

Comparing your plugin, theme, or service to competitors is tricky. The goal is to drive sales. And there are several potential approaches. However, they’re not all equal.

We often see comparisons that focus on negativity. Or they’re full of half-truths. Neither tactic will help your reputation.

I recommend focusing on the educational aspect of things. Point out what your product does best. Demonstrate how it can improve the reader’s website. Show them how it works.

It’s possible to tout your product’s attributes without disparaging competitors. Doing so makes you look professional. Plus, you’ll make a more convincing argument.

The bottom line is to avoid negative comments at all costs. It hurts you as much as anyone.

Provide Visual Evidence of Your Claims

A feature-by-feature list helps users see what you and your competitors have to offer. They are an effective way to point out key differences.

You can use all manner of visuals to enhance your comparison. They help to prove your point. Plus, they’re great for breaking up long passages of text.

A quick video demonstration lets users see your product in action. Graphics such as screenshots are also helpful in this area.

There’s also value in using comparison tables. A feature-by-feature list helps users see what you and your competitors have to offer. They are an effective way to point out key differences.

Sometimes, you’ll have to explain complex concepts. Using an infographic helps to reinforce what you’re saying.

Pro tip: don’t bombard users with too many visuals. Stick to materials that add to your message – rather than ones that distract from it.

A comparison checklist can illustrate key differences in your product.

Let Customers Speak for Themselves

A product comparison is a great place to add customer feedback. Content such as testimonials and case studies show that your product is legit.

Praise from a customer often means more. Readers will relate to it. It’s a powerful message – especially if they use a competing product.

Don’t use just any old testimonial, though. Make sure it’s relevant to the focus of your content. For example, perhaps you’re touting a specific feature. The user feedback should be related to it.

Once again, don’t go too far. Avoid overwhelming readers with too much information. A simple quote and a link to more details are all you need.

Give Your Product a Place to Shine

I’m betting that you know what makes your product a great one. But do potential customers? Publishing a comparison is one way to convey that message.

An honest and professional assessment will help readers see the light. They’ll learn about the features you have to offer. And they’ll get a sense of what makes your product different.

The good news is that you can use the resources you already have on hand. Content like testimonials and videos serve to drive your point home.

And no one knows your product or its competitors like you do. Take that knowledge and apply it to the comparison.

Need some help putting it all together? Let’s discuss your product and your goals.

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