The Biggest Content Fails I See from WordPress Products

Building and marketing a WordPress product is tough. But the reality is that you need to excel at both. Your success depends upon it.

Producing great content should be part of your marketing strategy. You’re inviting potential customers into your world. You’re providing them with an opportunity to learn and explore. The hope is that you’ll convince another happy user to sing your praises.

But most WordPress product makers don’t have huge marketing teams. They can’t run every piece of content by a focus group. Thus, it’s easier to make mistakes.

And there are mistakes aplenty in this ecosystem. Here are a few common issues I’ve come across over the years. Keep reading and make sure you’re NOT committing one of these content sins.

Blog Posts without a Clear Point

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a big deal. A lot of companies want their content to rank highly on Google. It’s completely understandable.

This quest for discoverability is a noble one. But it can lead you to lose focus. The result is content that lacks a clear point.

It’s a common issue with blog posts. Writers are eager to stuff as many keywords as possible into an article. They’ll mention competitors ad nauseam. The same goes for related technologies and industries.

Perhaps it’s a gimmick to capture users who are considering other products. But it tends to make content longer and harder to read. Readers may be unable to discern what you’re trying to say.

Blog posts are there to help inform the public. Don’t turn them into a guessing game.

Phony Product Reviews and Listicles

Users want to know why they should choose your product over the competition.

Integrity is a tenet of journalism. We expect journalists to be fair and unbiased. These qualities are treasured.

It’s a fine line. And some product makers straddle it unsuccessfully. They attempt to write in a neutral tone. It’s as if they were an independent source of news.

For example, publishing a list of the “best” WordPress plugins in a category. Naturally, they include their product in the roundup. And I’ll leave you to guess who wins the comparison.

This strategy is misguided at best. And it’s downright shady at its worst. There’s no need to feign independence.

Product makers aren’t news organizations. People aren’t reading your content for unbiased reviews. There are other sources for that information. They want to know why they should choose your product over the competition.

Similar to the first item on this list – get to the point. Don’t try to trick users or waste their time.

Outdated Product Documentation

WordPress products evolve. Themes, plugins, and services add new features. Their user interface (UI) may see an overhaul. It’s a part of keeping with the times.

Your product documentation must follow suit. That means updating articles to reflect the most current version.

It may be as simple as updating a few screenshot images (no one wants to see what WordPress 4.0 looked like). Or it could require a total rewrite of a settings rundown. It’s important to refresh this content regardless.

Seeing outdated documentation is frustrating for users. Plus, it may lead to more demand for your technical support staff.

Therefore, keep tabs on this content. Be sure to update it as needed.

It’s OK to keep some legacy information. But delineate it from what’s new. Make it easy for users to understand the current best practices.

Make Your Product’s Content a Top Priority

Are you guilty of one or more of these content sins? Don’t be too hard on yourself. There’s an opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

The key is to take action. Make sure your content is focused. Also, be clear with your intentions. And don’t forget to keep existing content up to date.

These rules of thumb will help you make a stronger connection with users. After all, that’s the goal of promoting your WordPress product!

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